Make Your Mark
Dance Studio Etiquette
To keep our students and studio safe we have a few policies set.
Be Respectful to all teachers and fellow students.​
Dancers will keep a positive attitude toward their work, peers and instructor.
Proper dance/exercise attire must be worn to ensure quality of instruction, freedom of movement, & safety.
Hair must be pulled back securely away from your face and neck. Ballet must wear hair in bun
Punctuality and attendance are important to the development of knowledge, skill and individual progress.
Please remove all jewelry before class. This includes ear rings, bracelets, necklaces etc. NO hoop or dangling ear rings. (The only Exceptions: You may wear tiny 1/8" stud ear rings and your wedding ring)
Food and Drinks are not permitted in the studios. Water bottles may be kept in bags during rehearsals​
Gum is not permitted within the building or studios.
Smoking is not permitted in or around the premises.
Foot and Body powders may not be used in the studios. They cause very slippery floors.​
No hanging, climbing, sitting or leaning on ballet barre(s)
Cell phones must be kept in dance bag on silent. No texting during class or between classes.
All gear and other personal items must be labeled. (Ex: shoes, bags, jackets, t-shirts etc)
Teachers reserve the right to dismiss any student who disturbs the class at any time.
No talking during class, unless asking the instructor a question or responding to a question the instructor asked.
Dance Connection is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If something is found, it is placed in lost & found.
Parents must see front desk when needing to pick dancer up early before dismissal.